How do I fill out a Prequal form?

This article will show you where to find your Prequal invite, how to fill it out, and submit it to your GC.

  • Navigate to your Prequal invitation by clicking on Project compliance on the left side. You'll find your invitation under the Prequal tab and clicking Invitations.
  • Click on the item that is in Invite received status.

  • Go through the form section by section on the left side of the page and fill in each of the requested items in the center. When you finish a section, click Next section in the lower right corner.
    • The red bars under each section on the left indicate incomplete sections. An orange bar indicates that there is still information missing from the section. When a section is complete, the bar will turn green.
    • If you hover over each section on the left, you'll be able to see how many pieces of information you've provided with the total number of information possible.

  • When you've finished filling out the entire form, the Submit button will appear and it will be clickable. When you click on it, you'll be notified that your form has been successfully submitted. When you navigate back to the Invitations page, you'll see your form is now in Submitted status.