How do I add insurance requirements to my COI request?

Insurance requirements are important to attach to your COI requests. These requirements show your subcontractors what policies, limits, and language are required for a specific project.

You can add two types of insurance requirements on Constrafor. 

1. Project-level insurance requirements: these documents will automatically show on all COI requests associated with a project. If the requirements are standard across the entire project, adding insurance requirements at the project level will save you time! 

2. Request-level insurance requirements: these are only available for the individual request. This is usually used for specialized scope of work with specific requirements. 

Adding requirements at the Project level

  1. If you are creating a new project, under project documents toggle to insurance requirements and upload you documents.
  2. If your project already exists, enter the project page, scroll down to project documents, and click on "Add documents". A pop up window will appear where you can toggle the document type to insurance requirements and upload you documents.

Adding requirements at the request level

  1. If you are creating a new COI request, add the requirements under "Counterpart's requirements".
  2. If the request already exists, open the COI request and click on the pencil icon next to "Insurance requirements". A window will pop up where you can add your request specific requirements.