- Click on any request that is in Required status.
- Required status indicates a policy is required from the insured client.
- Inside the COI Manager page, click to upload or drag and drop in the box provided to submit your COI.
- Review the requirements at the top of the page to know what kind of coverage to provide.
- You can upload multiple documents at once.
- You will notice the Submit button in the upper right corner is gray and not clickable. This will change once you provide insurance documents.
- Once you upload your insurance documents, our platform will automatically read them and pull the policies it found along with their expiration dates at the bottom under COI Request Statuses.
- If you would like to request a waiver, click Add waiver request. Provide a reason for the waiver in the box that appears and click Request waiver.
- Click the Submit button in the upper right corner that is now blue and clickable.
- Hover over the yellow dot for tips on why the Submit may be gray.
- Once you've submitted your insurance documents, you'll be brought back to the Certificates of Insurance page and you will see the policies from the request are in Pending approval status.
- Pending approvals means the policies are awaiting review and approval from the general contractor.