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Construction Financial Services News.

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5 Ways to Enhance Construction Risk Management

3 min read

5 Ways to Improve Construction Risk Management

Navigating the complex field of construction involves managing a myriad of risks. From financial and operational challenges to safety concerns, risk...

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Constrafor Interviewed by Midstage Institute Founder, Roland Siebelink, on their podcast

2 min read

Constrafor Revolutionizes Construction Procurement & Risk Management

Ever wondered how the construction industry could be more efficient? Starting our journey in 2019, we've had our eyes set on becoming the leading...

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The Benefits Of Contract Automation

1 min read

By The Numbers: The Benefits Of Contract Automation

Given rising inflation and interest rates, it's more important than ever for companies to find ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Contract...

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The High Cost of Poor Contract Management In The Construction Industry

2 min read

The High Cost of Poor Contract Management In The Construction Industry

The construction industry is no stranger to the intricacies and complexities of contract management. With multiple stakeholders, ever-changing...

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Increasing Transparency in Contract Management to Improve Financially

2 min read

Increasing Transparency in Contract Management to Improve Financially

In this case study, we explore how a construction company implemented an automated contract management system to improve transparency and financial...

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Preventing The Devastating Impact of Scope Creep in Construction

2 min read

Preventing The Devastating Impact of Scope Creep in Construction

The construction industry is constantly challenged by factors such as tight deadlines, budget constraints, and complex regulatory environments. Among...

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Scope Creep in Construction Projects: By the Numbers

1 min read

Scope Creep in Construction Projects: By the Numbers

Scope creep is a common challenge that plagues construction projects, leading to budget overruns, schedule delays, and stakeholder dissatisfaction.

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Pitfalls Of Using A Contract Automation Solution Not Specific To Construction

2 min read

Pitfalls Of Using Contract Automation Not Specific To Construction

While automated contract management solutions can provide significant benefits to businesses, choosing a solution that is not specific to the...

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How Contract Management Can Benefit Builders' Change Management

1 min read

How Contract Automation Can Benefit Change Management

How Contract Automation Can Benefit Change Management

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Six Strategies For Effective Contract Management

2 min read

Six Strategies For Effective Contract Management


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