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4 min read

Break Free From Outdated Construction Financing Mindsets

Break Free From Outdated Construction Financing Mindsets
Break Free From Outdated Construction Financing Mindsets

Picture this. You're a subcontractor with a toolbox full of skills and a calendar full of projects and bids. But there's one tool missing from your arsenal: steady cash flow. For too long, contractors have been building dreams while their own financial foundations are strained—often being expected to carry the financial burden of a project to procure supplies, mobilize crews, and keep up with payroll while they wait to be paid. 

Growth is possible, you just need to get out of your own way. The key to unlocking your business's potential isn't just in your skillset or project pipeline—it's in revolutionizing how you think about financing. By breaking free from the outdated mindsets and embracing innovative financial solutions, you can build the stable foundation needed to bid bigger, scale smarter, and finally achieve the growth you've been chasing.  

Let’s explore the top mindsets working against contractors, and how to make a shift towards growth. 


Top 8 Stuck Mindsets

Here’s a look at some of the mindsets have taken root in the construction industry holding subcontractors back from smarter financing: 

  1. Fear of appearing financially unstable: Contractors may worry that asking about financing options could make them seem financially weak or unreliable. This perception could potentially harm their chances of winning future contracts.
  2. Pride: It takes a lot of hard work to build a successful construction company, but there comes a point where you realize you can’t do it all. Many contractors pride themselves on their self-sufficiency and may view seeking financial assistance as a sign of weakness or poor business management.
  3. Lack of awareness: Some contractors might not be fully aware of the non-predatory financing options available to them, or may not understand how these options could alleviate their cash flow issues.
  4. Past negative experiences: If a contractor has had poor experiences with financing in the past, they may be hesitant to explore new options.
  5. Strain on the GC Relationship: Contractors might fear that exploring financing options could put a strain on their relationship with GCs, especially if they’ve had negative experiences with traditional invoice factoring companies. 
  6. Complexity and time constraints: The process of researching, applying for, and managing financing might seem too complex or time-consuming for contractors who are already stretched thin.
  7. Misunderstanding of financing benefits: Contractors might not fully grasp how financing could improve their cash flow, allow them to take on larger projects, or invest in equipment and growth.
  8. Trust issues: If the relationship between the contractor and GC is not strong, there may be a lack of trust that prevents open discussions about financing needs.

The Stages of Shifting Your Financing Mindset

When cash flow is your daily stressor, even a light at the end of the tunnel can be easily confused for an oncoming train. Changing your mindset around financing can help you avoid getting in your own way and start to see the opportunities that are unlocked when you have capital to grow. That shift in mindset, though, is a journey—one that follows these three typical stages for the vast majority of subcontractors we work with: 

Stage 1: “This’ll help me survive the peaks and valleys.”

Construction isn't for the faint of heart. One minute you're riding high on a wave of projects, the next you're in a valley, wondering where the next job will come from. It's a rollercoaster that can make even the most seasoned subcontractor dizzy.

With Constrafor’s Early Pay Program, this all changes. Suddenly, you're not just hanging on for dear life—you're steering the coaster. As Ellis Guiles, CEO of Graboyes Windows & Door, puts it, "It's really the peaks that are the biggest challenge. When we're having to accelerate labor, going out into the field, that's where having that ability to flex some of the cash flow is really useful."

Think of EPP as your financial shock absorbers. When a project demands rapid mobilization or an unexpected delay hits, you're not scrambling—you're ready. It's not about just surviving the ride; it's about enjoying the view from the top and using those valley moments to plan your next ascent.

💡 With the right financing, subcontractors can transform from being reactive to proactive, setting the pace instead of struggling to keep up.


Stage 2: "Now I can take on extra projects and start planning growth."

For many subcontractors, the idea of growth can feel like a distant dream, obscured by the fog of day-to-day cash flow concerns. But when that fog starts to lift, in part thanks to Constrafor EPP, a world of possibilities comes into view.

Jolene Fechter, CFO at DemoPlus, experienced this shift firsthand. "Now we have the ability, since we were able to get paid very quickly through Constrafor, to take those same resources and spend them again on another job for another change order that will generate a nice profit for us again," she shared. This realization marks the beginning of a powerful mindset shift.

With EPP financing, subcontractors suddenly find themselves with the breathing room to look beyond their current projects. This newfound financial flexibility doesn't just open doors—it changes how subcontractors view those opportunities. As Jolene noted, "We're having the ability to maximize the profit for the company because we get the resources and we get the cash in so much faster we can reuse it." It's not just about taking on more work; it's about strategically reinvesting in your business's growth.

The fear of overcommitment, once a major barrier to expansion, begins to fade. Subcontractors start to see each new project not as a potential risk, but as a stepping stone towards sustainable growth. With the assurance that they can quickly access funds from completed work, they can confidently pursue new bids and change orders.

💡 As you begin to bid more boldly and dream bigger, remember: The first step towards growth isn't taking on more work—it's knowing you can support those wins. Smart financing gives subcontractors the confidence to bid boldly and dream bigger.


Stage 3: The "Aha!" Moment

When subcontractors fully grasp the potential of improved cash flow, it's truly an "Aha!" moment. This realization goes beyond merely covering immediate expenses; it's about unlocking a suite of operational efficiencies that can transform a business. With steady cash flow, companies find themselves able to negotiate better rates with suppliers, invest in cutting-edge equipment that boosts productivity, and attract top talent with competitive wages and benefits. 

Better cash flow also means smarter bidding, giving subcontractors the ability to choose projects that truly fit their long-term goals—a crucial factor for maintaining a good reputation in the industry. 

This newfound financial stability becomes a launchpad for your long-term success and sustainable growth. Suddenly, you're not just reacting to the market; you're able to anticipate it. And when the industry inevitably hits a rough patch, having an alternative financial solution to supplement lines of credit that doesn’t add debt to your balance sheet allows you to thrive. 

As this smart financing mindset becomes second nature, you'll find yourself taking on projects that once seemed out of reach. You're not just growing; you're evolving your entire business.

💡 True financial empowerment in construction isn't about having more money—it's about having more options. When subcontractors realize this, they stop seeing financing as a short-term necessity and start seeing it as strategic to growth.


The biggest barrier to financial innovation in construction isn't technology or availability—it's mindset. Educating yourself about new financial options is the best investment a subcontractor can make.

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