Constrafor's Prequalification solution allows General Contractors to streamline the prequalification process of trade partners to ensure the verification and validation of their capacity to complete a project.
Access to the Right Information to Hire Qualified Subcontractors
With Constrafor's Prequalification solution, subcontractors will only have to fill a single, comprehensive master form that can be adapted to each General Contractor's specific requirements, boosting submission rates and significantly reducing the risk of subcontractor default.

Save Time

Improved Submission Rates

Mitigate Risk
Simplify the Prequalification process and accurately manage your subcontractors
General Contractors can either choose to use our master form or customize their own form according to their specific project requirements. Generate consistent qualifications that can be quickly and easily adapted to project changes and shared with subcontractors.

Save Time
Prequalification is designed to help General Contractors eliminate time-consuming tasks that involve managing paperwork, chasing subcontractors, and manually tracking qualification statuses.

Increase Submission Rates
Our solution is free for subcontractors and is designed to save them time filling out prequalification forms. This will help improve submission rates giving General Contractors access to high quality applicants.

Mitigate Risk
By collecting accurate up-to-date data using follow-ups and reminders to subcontractors, our secure platform allows General Contractors to continuously monitor the contractor's current risk profiles which leads to lower insurance premiums.